Monday, September 8, 2008

What is technology?

After our class discussion, I realized I had only a vague idea of what technology is.
Here are some definitions:
"practical art of scientific knowledge"
"a systems of ideas"
"delivery systems"
Types of technology: pens, papers, alphabet, XM radio, computers, Internet, tele-communications, satellite communications.

My epiphany came when I heard my friend Kent say he uses sponges, which aren't "high-tech." The way he used the word "tech" gave me an idea. Since sponges are "low-tech," that means that there is a better or more advanced way to do what he needs. So my definition: technology=an improved or advanced way of doing something.

Thanks Kent!


Danny said...

I liked your definition of technology being an improved or advanced way of doing something. It helps bring into account the things like "sponges" that I was having a hard time putting into the category of technology! Nice job.

paulandjenthatcher said...

nice blog! You're right, I'm not getting it all, but your explanation of what you're studying is helpful, and I think if I keep reading your posts, I'll get smarter! I really like that picture of you and Kent!