Monday, September 22, 2008

What's in there?

Down the rabbit hole...

I am alot like Alice. I got curious about instructional design. Now that I'm in the IDET program, the instructional design gets "curiouser and curiouser."

I started out with a basic idea of instructional design. After reading the article "Five Views of Instructional Design," my vision has expanded. I must say I'm proud that instructional design is so encompassing and well-rounded; it includes scientific research, learning theories, and interpersonal skills to create effective instruction. This is just an academic way of saying that instructional design is an awesome field.

1 comment:

rfin said...

Hi Sarah, A thumbnail of Alice is on my blog thanks to the magic of the blogosphere. Take a look. Pretty cool. Did you set it up that way or is it a default? Your pix and comments on "Minding the Gap" prompted me to look up the defintions of mind as verb: "obey, attend to, heed, be careful about, to care or be concerned about, to object (to), dislike." Fascinating, mind you, and thank you.